Liquids in landfills, continued
- White Lightning is Non-Toxic, non carcinogenic, and non corrosive. There are NO health risks of any kind associated with White Lightning! (Refer to Health, Safety, &Technical section in our catalog). Clay products are dirty and dusty. The EPA considers clay adsorbents to be carcinogens. Read the warning label on the bag! It clearly states clay is known to cause silicosis of the lungs. A deadly desease!
- White Lightning is conveniently packaged in three sizes: The 0.40 cu. ft. bag, and a 1.0 cu. ft. bag. Both of these bags are for small to medium spills and both fit handily under a push cart and or in a cabinet. The larger 1.7 cu. ft. bag is of course for large spills. All three are packaged in a tough 6 mil clear poly bag, so you always see what you are paying for.
( If you want to save some serious money )
Companies using drums to dispose of their liquid waste WIN BIG with White Lightningd.
Many of the companies I have visited were disposing of thousands of pounds of contaminated soaked clay adsorbents in 55 gallon drums. This is a slow, labor intensive, and super expensive method of disposal, which reaps no benefits short of keeping you in good standing with the EPA. The cost is normally passed on to the end user.
According to the test we have performed repeatedly, it takes a minimum of 15 lbs. of clay adsorbent to partially pick up one US quart of any petroleum based liquid. The weight of one quart of oil is 1.75 lbs. The combined weight of the clay and liquid waste is a whopping 16.75 lbs. You have only picked up one quart! The average time it takes to let clay sit and adsorb a quart of liquid waste is approximately 45 minutes. After you pick up your clay, your floor still has a wet slippery spot, which needs immediate attention. Consider this, one 55 gallon drum will contain approximately 4 forty pound bags of oil soaked clay adsorbent. Remember, it takes 15 lbs. of clay per 32 oz. of liquid waste weighing 1.75 lbs. Therefore, four bags of clay weighing 160 lbs. will contain only 10.67 quarts of liquid waste. In layman's terms that is equivalent to only 2 gallons, 2 and 1/3 quarts of liquid waste in each 55 gallon drum. The total weight of the oil soaked clay is now 178 lbs. (Rounded off), not including the weight of the drum.
The cost to ship and dispose of each drum is widely diverse. According to which company one uses the cost can range from around $75.00 up to $300.00 for the exact same drum. The price is driven by supply and demand. I think greed also plays an equal part. The very important point to be made here is "how much your company is paying to dispose of one 55 gallon drum containing only approximately 2 1/2 gallons of liquid waste!" That ain't a lot of value for your dollars!
Please feel free to correct me if I have failed at my math.
On the other hand! One bag of my White Lightning will totally absorb and encapsulate a minimum of 2.5 gallons of any liquid or semi liquid waste! That's right, One bag...2.5 gallons! The bags weigh approximately 20 - 23 lbs. each. It takes only 90 seconds, (1.5 minutes), to absorb and totally clean up 32 oz. of any liquid or semi liquid industrial waste. The surface is clean, dry, and ready to go back to normal traffic. No mopping is necessary!
The same 55 gallon drum as above will hold approximately 4 of my bags of White Lightning containing 10 gallons of totally encapsulated liquid waste.
Which would you prefer paying for to be disposed of...10 gallons or 2.5 gallons? One drum, same price!
It gets better! How would you like to hold onto that money? Did you know, according to the Federal Register companies producing less than 220 lbs. of liquid waste per month may not have to pay disposal cost. That is, if you take care of your liquid waste properly. That means using a product such as White Lightning, which is recognized by the EPA as a total encapsulant.
Sweep it up, recycle it for reuse, and dispose of the remainder, approximately 10%
Just what is a total encapsulant, you asked? In short...whatever the liquid or semi liquid waste is, when it is absorbed into White Lightning the liquid molecule becomes surrounded and attached to the molecules of White Lightning. Therefore, the liquid molecule cannot escape, never!
- White Lightning is your company’s BEST CHOICE for cleaning up spills of any size or type.
- White Lightning is recognized by theEPA & OSHA as one of the best absorbents in the industry!
- In my humble opinion, it is “THE BEST”!!
- White Lightning is the one product you can always count on to do exactly as promised!
Going green is easy! OK, here’s your chance. Don’t miss it!
Best regards,
Tom Stone