Important Facts about
White Lightning USA TM
Super Speed Dry Absorbent /
Encapsulating crystals
- White Lightning is an inert, inorganic, non-biodegradable blend of minerals.
- White Lightning is lightweight, odorless, non-toxic, non-flammable and non-carcinogenic. (Source) International Agency for the Research of Cancer, Monogram #42. It is environmentally friendly and safe.
- White Lightning works by a means known as “silica encapsulation”. The encapsulated liquid actually becomes part of the silica molecule.
- White Lightning has a tremendous surface area, and its surface tension optimizes encapsulation.
- One and a half, (1½ ) pounds of White Lightning will soak up an entire quart of any liquid or semi liquid substance. Nine-tenths (0.9) lbs. will soak up either a quart of soda or miratic acid. As you become familiar with White Lightning you will learn just how much to use in any given situation. If you use too much, save the left over portion. If too little, add more.
- Do not use on Hydrofluoric acid. The combination can produce a potentially lethal gas.
- White Lightning has been independently tested by REIC labs. It has passed and exceeds the EPA’s Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) test methods, ASTM D2974, The Liquid Release Test, (LRT-EPA), method 9095, as well as other more stringent testing required by various states for landfill encapsulated toxic waste. Call or fax us for a copy of these test results.
- White Lightning is recognized by the EPA as a total encapsulant. This means it is a sorbent. Being identified as a sorbent means White Lightning and Marine Float, (being derived from the exact same product), are prequalified for use in the event of an environmental disaster. In addition, When oils, antifreezes, etc. are picked up with any of these products, they are locked in. Adsorbents such as clay products, (kitty litter), only coat their surface with liquid. When land filled, adsorbents easily separate from any liquid they have picked up.
- White Lightning is non-biodegradable! It does not separate from liquids under pressure or rain.
- White Lightning satisfies the EPA’s final rule on “Hazardous Waste Management-Liquid in Landfills,”
- as published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, volume 57, no. 223. This action is covered under 40CFR parts 260, 264, 265, and 271. These actions took effect on May 18th, 1993. It is safe to use in OSHA approved environments.
- White Lightning industrial code is SIC code 2819, CAS no. 93763-703. There is an additional harmonized export code of 6806.20.000.
- EPA regulations define what constitutes hazardous waste and how to dispose of it properly. These regulations may be limited to producers that generate more than 220 lbs. (1000kg) or waste per month. Hazardous liquids should always come with a Manufactures Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), giving specific directions on proper disposal. Bio-hazardous waste should be treated in a like manner. When the MSDS of the liquid encapsulated allows, you may incinerate.
- White Lightning is non-flammable. It has no BTU value. When used on gasoline in a sufficient quantity, gasoline will not ignite.
- White Lightning irwill melt to glass ash at approximately 2200 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Dangers: According to the IARC, there are no known hazards associated with Amorphous Alumina Silicates. It is recommended that a dust mask be worn while using the product. Further, when using the product in poorly ventilated environments, one should exercise caution with both breathing and eye contact. Amorphous Alumina Silicates are listed as nuisance dust, harmless to humans, animals and plants. It is safe to use on all surfaces, wood, carpet, tile, cement, etc.